Kaka's former spouse discloses that the reason for their divorce was due to him being the ideal husband. In her own words, "I was unhappy; something was missing, even though Kaká never betrayed me and always treated me well. He also gave me a wonderful family." The issue was that I found him to be too flawless."
It is the fate of every ideal guy to be betrayed or rejected. Why? Because it becomes boring to be with a flawless man. Recall that women are naturally dramatic, therefore when a man is flawless, he deprives her of the drama she yearns for. When she is around other women, their conversation is limited to the turmoil that their male friends bring into their lives. She will now feel excluded since she has nothing dramatic to talk about. Women are masochists by nature; they like suffering.
There can be no pleasure in a flawless guy since he does not cause suffering. She desires a flawed man who would play with her emotions, making her weep, feel furious, depressed, and then joyful again. explains to you why women stay in toxic relationships longer than they do in secure ones. Why, despite his numerous attempts to harm her, a woman will continually return to her toxic partner? Why? It's not dull because it's not flawless.